(Photo Rejuvenation/IPL)

what is a photofacial?

For a Photofacial, an erbium laser is the ideal treatment for scar revision, deep resurfacing, and healthy skin maintenance. The treatment works to remove age spots, sun damage, acne scars, wrinkles, and dilated veins. It is also able to treat rosacea. When performed on the right person, it effectively improves skin texture, eliminating discolorations, and minimizing wrinkles and fine lines.

What areas can i treat?

You can treat multiple areas such as the face, chest, neck, hands, arms, and legs.

How do I prepare for a photofacial?

Photofacials are more effective on untanned skin. Certain skin types may need to consult with an aesthetician and have a test spot performed before your treatment

What should i expect after treatment?

Immediately following your treatment, the treated area can be pinkish-red with slight swelling which will typically dissipate within 24 hours. After the treatment, you may notice that sun spots and discoloration actually appear darker and slightly more prominent. This is normal and a good sign that the treatment is working. Over the next few days, brown spots and other blemishes will begin to surface on the skin. The spots may actually raise and look like dark coffee grounds on the skin. These spots will naturally flake off over the following days, leaving your skin brighter and healthier.

what is the downtime?

Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer to protect and comfort the skin. Ensure to avoid sun exposure the days following your treatment.

Am I a good candidate?

Individuals with blotchy, sun-damaged, or discolored skin can see positive results. The appearance of large pores, rosacea, freckles, and wrinkles may also be reduced. It is important for patients to have a realistic understanding about what the procedure can do.

Unsure if a Profractional is right for you? Chat with us to schedule your consultation!