

What is a Microlaserpeel?

A MicroLaserPeel removes a thin layer of damaged skin to improve texture and provide a more youthful appearance. This laser peel exfoliates, improves texture, and brightens skin. It provides superior results because it can be administered with great precision of depth.

what are the microlaserpeel beneftits?

The MicroLaserPeel can improve the appearance of aging and address imperfections on the skin’s surface, such as acne, acne scars, pigment, and enlarged pores anywhere on the face or body.

How do I prepare for treatment?

Avoid excessive sun exposure up to two months before the procedure as it can cause permanent pigmentation irregularities in the treated areas, therefore be intentional about protecting your skin from the sun.

Discontinue the use of skincare products such as retinol, exfoliants, and vitamin C for the week prior to the treatment, as these agents can increase the risk of complications.

what is the downtime?

Downtime is 2-8 hours with an average of 1-7 days of total recovery time. Most patient see noticeable results is 3-5 days. Best results are typically achieved with 1-3 treatments about 4-6 weeks apart.

Additional Benefits

Patients can combine MicroLaserPeel with other treatments, such as a Profractional for deeper resurfacing.

Am I a good candidate?

Everyone’s skin is different which is why we require a consultation first to ensure the MicroLaserPeel is right you.