what is microneedling?

Microneedling is a method of inducing a controlled injury into the skin’s dermal & epidermal junction. This induces growth factors, collagen, and elastin. This process causes less damage to the epidermis than dermal rolling, lasers, or other ablative treatments, making for quicker healing and higher rates of success.

How many treatments will I need?

Typically, a series of 3-6 treatments is recommended, depending upon the individual concerns that are being targeted. Treatments are usually scheduled 4 weeks apart.

Is the procedure painful?

We provide a topical numbing cream that you will need to apply 45 minutes prior to your appointment. The majority of patients tolerate the treatment very well with the numbing agent.

How long until i see results?

A majority of patients see results after just one treatment, though individual results vary depending on skin health. Most commonly, patients report seeing positive changes as soon as 1-2 weeks after the first treatment.

how long do results last?

Your overall result will last longer when using an at-home skin care regimen that includes a daily retinol product. New collagen and elastin formation has been documented as long as one year after a single treatment.

Am I a good candidate?

Microneedling can help lessen the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation, but all skin types can still benefit from it. It is recommended that patients with active acne wait for the breakouts to subside before proceeding with the treatment. A deposit of $50 is required to schedule treatment.

Unsure if Microneedling is right for you? Chat with us to schedule your consultation!